Why choose my expertise on where commitment, code, and creativity meet?

It’s tough to find a strong copywriter who can easily navigate the nuances of open-source startups and brings understanding of deep tech, like Kubernetes manifests, API authentication with JWTs, or deploying AI models on GPU-accelerated VMs. Finding one who also has a Master’s in Creative writing is even harder.

That’s where I come in.

When you work with me, you get a storyteller who understands deep tech and an open-source advocate who’s spent years developing and deploying real projects in partnership with your ideal audience of developers or engineers.

I have technical and literary know-how for in-depth && inspiring writing

I combine deep technical expertise with creative intuition to transform your experts’ opinions into developer marketing with the precision your audience expects and the stories they crave. One of my long-term clients said of me: “His unique set of technical know-how and literary skills makes him the perfect fit for anyone looking to create compelling developer-focused content.”

My deep open-source experience is your copy && content cheat code

Your relationship with the open-source community is invaluable and fragile. You need a writer who understands how these folks think and operate to message your product, build developer trust, and prove you’re engaged with open source for all the right reasons. With me, you can skip past a painful trial-and-error process and start building meaningful relationships.

I’m an embedded advisor to amplify your team

As an extension of your team, I do far more than deliverables. I use years of experience as an editor, teacher, and writing mentor to upskill everyone who touches copy or content. Together, we’ll facilitate deeper ties to your peers in engineering, plan product launches, and establish guidelines to help your team scale with quality.

My experience and experimentation gives you flexibility to be ambitious

I’ve spent years embedded in product marketing, DevRel, and content teams at organizations like ngrok, Rewind, and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). I’ve seen every strategy for driving commitment from technical audiences and used hundreds of developer tools. With my flexibility, you can hire just one resource to handle today’s tactics and tomorrow’s pie-in-the-sky campaign.

Need to review a layer deeper? See what my clients have said about why they keep working with me.